The Right Turn Program offers a career development process for young adults who are involved with the juvenile or adult justice system. Funded by a grant from the
U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration and led by the Institute for Educational Leadership, Right Turn is being implemented in high-crime and high-poverty communities across the country, including the communities serviced by PVJOBS.
Right Turn provides young adults with access to job training, career development, case management services and workforce development opportunities by engaging them in a three-phase career development process that includes self-exploration, career exploration, and career planning and management.
Ages 18-24
Have a history of or currently involved in the juvenile or adult criminal justice system
Live within the PVJOBS service area
10% of Right Turn participants have no criminal involvement and no high school diploma
The Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration provided 100% of the $1.5 million in funding to operate the Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) Program.